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If you could have Anything in this world what would that be?

Nadia Dias is a Multi Passionate Coach - Mindset Focused, NLP Practitioner with a post grad in Psychology. 

She is on a mission to teach the world how important is the relationship we have with ourselves by understanding the power of our subconscious mind, and universal laws to create the life they are meant to live.



coach nadia dias


Nadia combines science, spiritual universal laws, mindset, body, and energy work to create programs and deliver her workshops and one-to-one sessions. 

I believe that my purpose in this world is to help others like me know that we can be what we want to be regardless of circumstances or experiences; so we can create a healthy and strong relationship with ourselves which in turn will lead us to a better relationship with others and life in general.


To be able to help the world with this I had to go through it and learn how to overcome it.

What is good to know how to arrive at a safe place if we don't share with those that need it?


I have grown up with dysfunctional parents, been abandoned, have had my first child at 15, been stereotyped, labeled and left alone to try and figure out what motherhood was all about. I had to "child abduct" my son so I could be a mother to him, and traveled to England from Portugal when I was 16 leaving all I knew behind. 


I worked hard, studied but somehow always felt that what I was doing was not for me, I didn't belong...I knew I was made for more.




I was stuck ON MY OLD STORIES!

I then started working on myself, and in between coaching sessions, research, study, and daily practices, I finally understood the missing piece.

I started questioning myself why was I allowing my fears to get in the way, and my old stories to block me from reaching my potential, I was more than just another statistic and I was ready to prove that to myself. 


I realized that the only thing holding me back was the fear of not being good enough, the old stories of my past experiences that were blocking my growth, and I was the one allowing that to happen because how could I receive what I wanted If I was not allowing it to come in?








Coach Nadia Dias

I worked on programming and I was able to detach from unhealthy patterns, experiences and old stories and create my own reality, some people work on it and create success others choose to continue stuck on it. I was not going to continue allowing myself to be stuck on it and so my journey into badass mindset has started in 2013, since then I have spent many pounds ££ and time studying, bettering myself physically, emotionally and spiritually to be able to help you meet with the better version of yourself and create the reality that you desire so you can live peacefully. 

Growing up we are conditioned by our childhood experiences, pre-conceived ideas given by our parents, carers along our life which now is so present and unconsciously we allow it to run our life. So when I discovered this I decided that I had to rewire my mind and start living from a place of truth. 



Wherever your experiences are, and what traps you right now, it can be UNDONE.

You can create your own reality, you can strip off shameful experiences that you went through and stops you from doing so much for yourself. Strip off the pain that keeps you awake at night and made you lose faith. And strip off insecurities that tell you how you are not good enough frequently LIE!








Nàdia Founded NUA Ltd so she could reach the world and help millions.


Since then she is helping women from all over the world and is amazed on how NUA has grown and was able to transform so many lives. 


"No EXCUSES is my Legacy and I challenge you to Not allow Excuses to distract you from your greatness... You were born to shine."

My Bigger Achievement of all is to have an amazing son who is my number 1 fan, who has walked with me in this journey and today we are each other's biggest pride 


I am that girl who was a full-time single mother, working alongside full-time education and juggled around sleepless nights of essay writing, exam revisions, and coursework.

Many days I wanted to give up and believe it was too hard to do it.


No excuses that were my legacy, I want it, therefore, I will get it.



Coach Nadia Dias and son


  Skills and Experience


  • Master of Science in Applied Psychology

  • BSc Hons Psychology

  • Life Coaching Cert

  • Reiki Practitioner

  • Master NLP practitioner

  • Hypnotherapy and EFT Diploma Practitioner

  • NVQ 5 In Health & Social Care (Management)

  • Integrated Wellness Model Therapy (Life Coaching)

  • Spiritual healing routines

  • Management & Leadership

  • Learning Disabilities & Elderly

  • Motherhood, young mothers, and youth

  • Drugs & Alcohol 

  • Inspirational Figure

Coach Nadia Dias
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